
date : march 1, 2008, saturday, 100 pm

place: quincy city hall, 2nd floor

attendee: betty yau, may chan, kevin to, john downey, cathy ko-downey

special guest: linda bowes, newest member


new member-linda bowes, we welcome her as our new member to join the committee. she shares with the group, her vast knowledge of her work in several departments at the city hall and currently, the public works department. she is very enthusiastic and heart-warming.  as she acknowledges of her grassroot residency in quincy, she has seen a tremendous growth and a dramatic support of our asian community, of which helped quincy grow to become more economically and educationally stable. the committee is truly honored to have linda come aboard.  she will be one of the most important advisor,whose valuable recommendations she will share, will help guide our committee to understand and address whatever governmental issues, the asian community may encounter.

new licensing regulation and definition of therapeutic massage (healing or just relaxation?)-discussions of whether the city hall may understand the differences of such practises in the physical therapy will require a better clarifcation. (accupressure, accupuncture, therapeutic massage/healing for medical reason) the committee is concerned that not only whether the definition of therapeutic massage effects the requirements of needing the licence, but many other existing businesses may not be aware of the new licensing requirement and may need to be updated. the deadline is only a couple of months away. committee will be checking into all the businesses that are engaged actively in the city. 

zoning task force- the committee is proudly and eagerly optimistic about the new asian addition to the zoning task force committee, one of tom koch's appointment. jimmy wong, new board member, dora chung, alternate member, and cathy ko-downey, assistant member, all appointed from the asian american advisory group. jimmy will be attending every zoning task meetings as much as possible, and will co-ordinate with the other members to share any other feedbacks, suggestions, and ideas to rationally improvise, create and beautify the citylineof quincy.  of course, the affordable housing will be one of our big primary focus for the task force committee.

relationship chart-the priliminary chart has been set-up and still, many important people in the society are still missing. the group invites members or any interested parties, who know of any significant importance of our quincy asian resident who had made chariable contribution or dedication to the growth of our asian communities. the relationship chart are solely for the purpose of acknowledging and understanding the existence of quincy's asian people or organization, which will help the asian american advisory committee for a recognition status on behalf of tom koch.

quincy asian american advisory committee for the mayor's first open house-discussions had been mentioned in the past meetings concerning the potentials of having open house. the goal was to invite any interested parties who wishes to acknowledge the committee of their businesses for public exposures. in addition, interested parties are also welcome to speak or address any concerns, ideas, or any important changes, the asian community and the quincy city hall may benefit.  the proposed plan for the open house will be tentatively may 24th, 2008 saturday. for those who may not have been mentioned in our committee's relationship chart, the group can arrange this open house for the same purpose.

this concludes the overall subjects, should anything be forgotten, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, Cathy Ko-Downey